(Jan. 18th, 2023) – SkillGigs, Inc‘s healthcare division president, Bryan Groom, had an article published on McKnights Long-term Care news website. This is an earned media spot where McKnights chose to publish due to the topic and quality of content. Excerpt as follows:
“It’s no secret that America is experiencing a critical shortage of registered nurses (RNs). Burnout and disillusionment are driving nurses out of the workforce in record numbers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Facilities are struggling to recruit and retain qualified nursing staff, and it’s impacting both patient care and their bottom line. But rather than just talking about this issue in vague generalities, I wanted to delve more deeply into the numbers — and offer a solution instead of simply adding to the doom and gloom. Here is a look at the true cost of RN vacancies, and a recommendation for how to avoid these costs in the first place.”
For more information and to view the full article, please visit article here or to learn more about McKnights, go here.
SkillGigs, Inc. is an eCommerce talent marketplace that pairs skilled healthcare and technology job seekers with AI-matched work opportunities. Founded in 2017 on the belief that companies and talent should be able to interact seamlessly, SkillGigs is dedicated to empowering the users. SkillGigs elevates and maximizes the hiring process by removing traditional barriers. The company’s patented AI software matches talent with jobs tailored to their skills, while giving companies with open positions strong candidates who are ready to work—all without a single recruiter.